Declare Your Goal For The Year

Why? Because it’s good to get clear and commit

Let’s name ONE key thing we want to focus on this year.

Some context. The big five below are key to repairing and regenerating our world, with an underlying principle of zero waste. Together, we’re doing exactly the right stuff - every change we make, every issue we get our voice behind, every project we fund, speaks to one or more of these. And because it feels SO great to make progress, let’s pick one ‘no excuses’ thing to commit to this year. Scroll to the bottom to declare your goal...we have!


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Energy has the most obvious connection with fossil fuels. How we heat and cool our homes, what we cook on, how we heat our water, how much we use…is it coming from renewable sources or not? And are we conserving or wasting it?

The impact of food is hard to overstate. From deforestation, to industrial agriculture and pesticides that destroy the soil and ecosystems, to the tragedy of factory farming and staggering waste. Every choice we make helps fix it.

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From a cotton bud to our TVs, everything we buy has been mined, cut down, grown or synthesised, manufactured, packaged and transported. Sometimes recycled, too often just thrown away. It all takes energy and depletes the earth. We can sort it.

Travel has the most visible connection with emissions. Does it run on fossil fuels? Does it carry a lot of people or just one? Is it necessary? Like energy, there’s big infrastructure needed here, but we hold the power to demand it and for fresh, new choices.

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Each of these areas have plundered nature. But, conversely, by addressing them we also start to repair it. With food we help biodiversity, forests, animals, soil; shunning plastic equals happier oceans, the list goes on. And we also rewild, protect and restore.

Waste is a principle that runs through them all
Cherishing everything, wasting nothing.

We’re all doing an action a week together, but what one thing would you love to nail? Here’s some possibilities to get you thinking…


A new habit

  • Buying less stuff

  • Reducing plastic

  • Walking or cycling more

  • Not wasting any food

  • Watching water waste

A big switch

  • Switching to renewables

  • Eating less meat/going vegan

  • Sorting the house insulation

Declare it in the box below!